There’s an xkcd comic for everything in life. What do you want me to do? LEAVE? Then they’ll keep being wrong! [from xkcd]
Daily archives: March 28, 2008
I’ve written about the SAC‘s proposal to legalize music file sharing several times in the past, giving it mixed reviews. It’s not a new idea, but it’s one of the first times an organization of artists has proposed it, and some record companies are entertaining the idea as well. I’ve […]
In a hacking contest pitting Windows, OS X and GNU/Linux against each other, a MacBook Air was the first machine to go down after just two minutes into the second day. The headline is in several places, but I’m linking to Slashdot because comments like these amuse me at 5:30am: […]
((If you’re tagged in this note on Facebook, it’s because I value your opinion and am interested to hear what you have to say. Or because I’m pretending to value your opinion and would be interested in proving you wrong. Either way, you may want to read the first […]