Look what I found: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CanadianTeam http://ubuntu-ca.org/ http://ubuntutoronto.org/ “We will be hosting an Ubuntu Toronto User Group Meeting on… 25 July, 2007 6:30 PM… held at the linuxcaffe…”
Free Software
I have had some real difficulty trying to get my Palm Pilot to work in GNU/Linux (Ubuntu, Dapper and Feisty, to be more precise), and I was preparing a post to outline the solution I had pieced together, only to find a much simpler and much more elegant solution. I’ll […]
My brother just got a brand new laptop – an HP Compaq 6710b. The chipset is brand new, and unfortunately, even newer than Feisty. Feisty was released in April, and the chipset first hit the market in May I believe. The result? No Xserver. We tried the unstable Gutsy live […]
My family has a Brother MFC420CN which is run off the network and accessible to everyone in the house. Though it’s not my default printer, it’s convenient to have a backup in things go wrong or ink runs out with another printer, so I was eager to get it installed […]
In trying to figure out where to begin recounting my last two months of experience with Linux, you would think that the installation process would be a logical starting point. Except since it was so easy, I haven’t been able to think about much to say. But I figured there […]
One of the main purposes of setting up this blog is to document my Linux experience. Using Linux, you learn very quickly that internet forums and tech blogs are your friends. Most of the time, a google.com/linux search on any problems your having will return a ton of assistance from […]