Last week, Rogers began experimenting with something called deep packet inspection to insert their own content into web pages that its users view. They began by displaying some users’ account statuses when they visited Google. [Source:] This is wrong for a variety of reasons. The information may (or may […]
Blog – Unity Behind Diversity
I have always been a huge fan of Facebook. I’ve come to their defence many times. Over the News Feed controversy, I sided with them (if you don’t want people to see something, why are you posting it on Facebook?). While people were complaining about Facebook opening its doors, I […]
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) recently released software which it urged some of America’s largest universities to employ in order to monitor their networks for unauthorized file sharing. Not only do the universities not owe the MPAA anything, but the toolkit was found by security specialists to raise […]
I am blogging about this only because the delivery was hilarious (and because it’s true): Do you love the music of Daft Punk? Perhaps you hate it. Whatever your feelings on their music, we all know it’s better without Kanye West shouting pointlessly over the top. Er, actually, we meant […]
The Songwriters’ Association of Canada (SAC) has released a proposal to legalize music file sharing in the country (found via Michael Geist). They’ve proposed a new right – the Right to Equitable Remuneration for Music File Sharing – which would legalize noncommercial music file sharing by collecting a $5.00 license […]
I recently had a friend record a video clip of a performance and send it to me. The video turned out great, but it was a whopping 240 MB for 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Not only is that a bit of a nuisance, but it’s also beyond the upload […]
A message from Not everyone knows what a healthy blood pressure level is, but as you age knowing more health info can help you to lead a healthier life. If you’re curious about some sort of medical symptoms then you can find plenty of info online, though if you […]
The NY Times website used to be the perfect example of what not to do with a newspaper website – put up a pay-wall to keep most users out. It’s hard to think of something more annoying than that. It goes against the basic nature of the Internet and the […]
This found via Michael Geist and Bob Lefsetz: “There’s no one in the record industry that’s a technologist,” Morris explains. “That’s a misconception writers make all the time, that the record industry missed this. They didn’t. They just didn’t know what to do. It’s like if you were suddenly asked […]