
42 posts

If You Care About Fighting Inequality, Say No To Babies

Unless you’re one of those crazies who believes in creationism, guns, families, bibles and babies, you’re going to love this piece (via The Dawn Patrol) over at the Feministing community site by freethinkr (that’s not a typo — “er” is so Web 1.0). Conservatives and the religious right keep going […]

Building a Catholic Case For Free Culture: Introduction

I’m starting to build a Catholic case for free culture. I’m no theologian, so I’ve got some research to do on what may be relevant to explore. I’ve found a few leads so far: a Catholic free software group, Elèutheros, focused on exploring the affinities between the philosophies of free […]

Success, Love and Self-Worth

Last week, a friend of mine asked me where I derive my self-worth from. Is it from things like academic success? Apparently, I paused for a moment before responding, “from my relationships with other people.” She went away thinking about my answer. I went away thinking about her question. What […]