My mom has been uploading photos (or sending photos to me to upload) to Flickr from Beijing. She’s at the Olympics, working on the Canadian core medical team. There are some great shots! (Unfortunately, none are from competition.) Those are just a few of my favourites. View the whole Beijing […]
Blog – Unity Behind Diversity
I recently stumbled upon the Ubustu Feed when I began learning Ardour. They have a great tutorial on how to sync Hydrogen with Ardour: This tutorial will show you how to sync up the digital audio workstation, Ardour, and the advanced drum machine, Hydrogen. This will allow you to have […]
I recently setup a Facebook musician page for Robyn Dell’Unto. We ran into one really annoying problem importing her blog posts from her MySpace blog. As Robyn described it, my only issue with the notes is that they go all squidgy when there’s punctuation in the title. which, frankly, embarrasses […]
I woke up to this around 3:50am. A propane depot went up around Keele/Wilson. I felt it at Lawrence/Bathurst. (Photos from Rannie Turingan.) Update: video here
I’m listening to my music library on random right now, and a song just came on that was playing on my digital audio player when I was arriving by bus at the Mathausen Concentration Camp a few years ago. When it started to play on the bus then, it sent […]
[This originally appeared on Techdirt.] Legal trouble for Girl Talk — an artist named Greg Gillis who released a “mash up” album using the pay what you want model — is almost inevitable, but the situation gets even more interesting when you consider how the music is licensed. Girl Talk […]
I have a new post at Techdirt, from the nobody-likes-anti-features dept: Rogers Looks For New Ways To Annoy Customers, Hijacks Failed DNS Lookups. Yeah, I’m just a little bit annoyed. I’m working on a post to detail how to circumvent it with OpenDNS, which is my short-term solution while I […]
I thought I’d celebrate the official launch of the iPhone in Canada by noting a few of the reasons I won’t be caught dead with one. The iPhone isn’t free software, like the Android or OpenMoko. As the FSF points out, why take a device you can’t control when there […]
This is getting just a little bit ridiculous. Rogers’ rates are already insanely high since they have a GSM monopoly in Canada. Their absolutely unrealistic pricing plans for the iPhone appear to have even got the attention of Cupertino. Now, despite the ongoing investigation by the CRTC into Bell’s throttling […]