Blog – Unity Behind Diversity

314 posts

Yusuf Islam Forgives Coldplay For Copying His Song, Even Though They Probably Didn’t

This post originally appeared on Techdirt When Joe Satriani sued Coldplay for copyright infringment last December, lots of people were quick to notice that a bunch of other songs shared the same melody, including some predating Satriani’s tune. Last month, Yusuf Islam (formerly known as Cat Stevens) made headlines claiming […]

Electronic Arts Stages Protest of Dante’s Inferno at E3

This post originally appeared on Techdirt. At the E3 Expo a few weeks ago, Electronic Arts showcased an upcoming game, Dante’s Inferno, to awkward protests from a group of concerned Christians going under the name, “Salvationists Against Virtual and Eternal Damnation.” They had signs like “Trade in your PlayStation for […]

ASCAP Thinks That Video Game Providers Should Pay Music Performance Royalties

This post originally appeared on Techdirt. Despite claiming to represent the interests of songwriters and composers, ASCAP has consistently provided bad advice on how they should respond to digital technology and the internet. For ASCAP and many other collection societies, anything that doesn’t involve royalties seems automatically bad (despite all […]