There’s Probably A God, Now Stop Worrying and Enjoy Your Life

The United Church just gained big points in my book for their response to the athiest bus campaign in Toronto. The ads read: “There’s Probably No God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.” The United Church responded by adding an alternative response and running their own ads as a poll (highlighting the false premise in the original that to believe in God is to be worried and not enjoy life).

Though, the Torontoist coverage is pretty funny, in and of itself:

While the ads have definitely garnered a fair bit of attention, it may not be the kind the Church was hoping for. The latest Wondercafe poll results show the atheist position bringing down the house, with 53 per cent of voters agreeing there’s probably not a God, compared to 47 per cent insisting there probably is a God.

Since when does a 53/47 split constitute “bringing down the house?”

But it doesn’t end there! The Freethought Association provides even more to chuckle about:

“It’s just kind of funny,” says Katie Kish, vice-president of the Freethought Association of Canada, the organization spearheading the Canadian Atheist Bus Campaign. “They’ve put this huge ad in the Globe and Mail that links to Wondercafe. Then you go to their discussion and we’re winning, so that gives us more press and more people coming to find us.”

The Atheist Bus Campaign runs ads that generate a ton of talk and debate about God and religion in the public square, in places (like the Torontoist) that aren’t normally talking about God. And they think that getting attention from an ad campaign that’s purpose is to play off there’s is ironic? The efforts of the United Church aren’t to “win” in some poll on their website. It seems to me that the most ironic thing here is that athiests are getting people to talk about God.

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