[This post originally appeared on Techdirt.] Last week, the Toronto Police Homicide Squad launched a new website containing profiles of unsolved murder cases and wanted persons. Each profile contains details of the investigation — a written synopsis, photos and links to Google maps or even YouTube videos — and allows […]
Blog – Unity Behind Diversity
On Friday evening, I watched my dog have two seizures. It was a fluke that anyone was home when it happened. My mom had come home early and I was sick at home, reading upstairs. She didn’t know I was there, so I decided to come down to say hi […]
I’m starting to build a Catholic case for free culture. I’m no theologian, so I’ve got some research to do on what may be relevant to explore. I’ve found a few leads so far: a Catholic free software group, Elèutheros, focused on exploring the affinities between the philosophies of free […]
I’m pretty sure this is the same fix I used in Gutsy and Hardy, but I had to do it again to get my ThinkVantage button working on my ThinkPad T61 in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid. I just added the following line to /usr/share/hotkey-setup/ibm.hk and it worked after a reboot. setkeycodes […]
Overall, I’ve been pretty happy after upgrading to Ubuntu 8.10, but there were a few annoyances. I noticed my Thinkpad scroll buttons stopped working, and when I checked xorg.conf, all my changes were commented out with a note “HAL is now used.” At least wasn’t too hard to figure out […]
Over the next few months, I hope to start writing a bit more on a wider variety of subjects. This is just a heads up for anyone subscribed via RSS, in case you don’t care about the Theology of the Body or the latest Ubuntu release, that separate feeds are […]
Last week, a friend of mine asked me where I derive my self-worth from. Is it from things like academic success? Apparently, I paused for a moment before responding, “from my relationships with other people.” She went away thinking about my answer. I went away thinking about her question. What […]
[This post originally appeared on Techdirt.] It was just a few years ago when Apple used the moron in a hurry test to defend itself against a trademark suit, but their own legal department seems to have forgotten about it already. Apple has sent a cease and desist letter to […]
At the end of every month, there’s an open mic at St. Mike’s College (U of T) called Kelly’s Korner. Last week, I performed a new song (just before tearing things up with Emilie and JP) and I was able to salvage some audio from a broken video camera (you […]