Blaise Alleyne technology, music, bioethics, theology

Google Summer of Code: Creative Commons Drupal Module

A few weeks ago, I started my Google Summer of Code project with the Creative Commons. My proposal to update the CC Drupal module was accepted back in April, and over the last six weeks I’ve been getting my bearings. Kevin Reynen from Denver Open Media, the project’s maintainer, has given me CVS access and maintainer status at, and John Doig, my mentor, has been providing me with some guidance around design decisions so far. The Department of Computer Science at UofT has provided me with some great lab space for the summer along with other interns and students working on independent projects.

May 23 was the coding start date. I’ve been off to a slow start, but just made my first commits over the last few days. For now, I’m working on porting this module to the latest version of Drupal. There’s a CC Lite module that already exists. It’s functionality is basic, but I’m using that as a reference. In the next few weeks, I should have the module working and fairly easy to use (the UI needs some cleanup). Then, onto some cooler things: I’m going to be investigating some more advanced features, like automatic licence detection using liblicense or integration with other modules, like Flickr or Search. I’m not sure how many of these features will be feasible, but the goal is to at least lay the groundwork so that they can be implemented beyond this summer.

I plan to use the module myself for a few sites, and hopefully I’ll be able to continue development beyond the summer. More updates coming as more progress is made…

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