My Google Summer of Code project is divided into two phases: updating and then upgrading the Creative Commons Drupal module. The module was largely abandoned as it was being developed Drupal 4.7.x, and now Drupal 6.x is the current series (with 7.x under development). The first phase is to update for Drupal 6.x and complete existing features; the second phase is to expand its functionality.
I’ve got the module running in Drupal 6.x, and now I’m chasing down bugs, cleaning up the user interface and polishing up existing features. Development snapshots are available on the project page, updated nightly. I’m pushing for a 6.x-1.0 release (or at least a beta) in the next couple weeks, ahead of midterm evaluations (July 6-13).
In Phase II, I’ll focus on new features for 6.x-2.0 — search integration, licence detection, language localization.